

Potential Sponsor

Dear Sir/Madam,

I am glad to introduce myself as Nagarjun Palavalli. I study IB at Indus International School in Bangalore. I am in the 12th grade. I have been nominated to represent my school and country at the Global Young Leaders Conference (GYLC) held every year in the United States of America. The conference is organized by the Congressional Youth Leadership Council (CYLC) which brings exceptional high school students from around the world to an interactive 13 day program which is held in Washington DC and New York.

I have attached a sample of our itinerary for your review. As you can see, I will have the opportunity to meet and interact with several high achieving students from around the globe. I will also be able to interact with many prominent men and women whom most of us have only read about in the papers or see on television.

Attending this program will help me develop key leadership and communication skills and reach my career goals. This will be a once in a lifetime experience to develop myself as an all rounder. It will also motivate me to achieve in greater levels in all aspects of life. I also feel privileged to be able to represent India on a global scale.

I write to you today to seek your sponsorship for me attend this conference. My participation in the conference depends on whether I can raise $4,890 in sponsorships. The conference tuition is $2,890 and my travel to the conference will cost $2,000. Through my family and personal savings, I have raised $500 which I require to purchase lunch and other basic requirements such as phone calls that I will make during the course of the conference.

I hope that you will assist me with all or a part of these costs. My tuition must be paid no later than March 14th, 2008. Your support for sponsorship would be greatly appreciated. I have also created a blog which I will update throughout my GYLC program so that you will be able to view all the events on a daily basis. The blog URL is gylc.wordpress.com.

I look forward to a positive response from you. If you have any doubts, please feel free to contact me.


Nagarjun N Palavalli

Note: Download the attached PDF document by clicking this link: Sponsor Letter with Sample Itinerary

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