Posted by: Nagarjun | March 8, 2008

Sad. :-(

So, its been a while since I started this blog. Got the invitation over 2 months ago and began my sponsorship search back then.

Unfortunately, I haven’t been able to raise any money required to attend the conference. There is just a week left to caugh up and I haven’t been able to do anything. Really want to attend the conference.

Hopefully, I will be able to attend this year and complete this blog.

Posted by: Nagarjun | February 17, 2008

What happened?

It has been a while since I posted an update on my journey. Actually, this is mainly because I really don’t have anything new to say. Also, I have been held up with a lot of deadlines at school. I also have my mock exams coming up in the first week of March.

I still haven’t signed up for GYLC. Mainly because I haven’t found the money I need for it. I am a little scared because all the slots are filling up really fast and I don’t know if I will manage to make it in. My efforts to raise funds has come to a stand still. A few companies said they cannot help me and a few others are still “discussing” it. I have come to understand that I can’t rely on it now.

I have decided to call GYLC and see if anything can be done. I have not lost hope. But just a little tensed. I hope I manage to sign up soon. If you know anyone who can sponsor me (or if you wish to sponsor me), please do let me know.

I will keep you all updated on the progress.

Posted by: Nagarjun | January 29, 2008

GYLC Videos by Others


I found some GYLC Europe and USA videos on YouTube. All of them are slidshows of images taken during the program. Just uploaded them on this blog so that you get to see what the others experienced.

Update from me: The hunt for sponsors is in full swing. My parents have spoken to several people and I heard postive responses from few. None have confirmed yet. I have submitted my request letter and a sample itinerary along with the photocopy of the nomination letters to sponsors. I hope to hear from them within a few days. I will keep you updated. Meanwhile, enjoy the videos below! 😉

Posted by: Nagarjun | January 28, 2008

Estimating Costs

You must be wondering howmuch it costs to attend the Global Young Leaders Conference?As per the GYLC website and the package that I received, the tuition to attend the conference in USA costs US $2,740 and the European program costs US $5,480. To know howmuch this is in your currency, click here.

This tuition includes stay, program materials, breakfasts, dinners and private motor coach transport within and between GYLC cities. However, transportation to and from the conference is not included. You will also need to carry your own money for lunch, phone calls and any other purchases that you will make during the conference.

Before you apply for the conference and start looking at your fundraising options, I suggest that you calculate an approximate sum of money that you will require to attend the conference. Typically, this will include:

  1. Tuition – US $2,740 and Europe $ 5,480
  2. Airfare (visit if you wish to purchase cheap airfare and estimate travel costs)
  3. Extras (lunch, phone calls, shopping, souvenirs etc.)

Estimating costs will help you get started on your fundraising efforts. Once you calculate your overall costs, begin by calculating the money that you already have. Subtract this from the overall cost and estimate the remaining amount of money that you will procure through your fundraising efforts.

Note: Before you begin your fundraising efforts, please notify GYLC about your interest to participate in the program and that you will begin fundraising and looking for sponsorships. GYLC accepts people on a first come, first serve basis. Notifying GYLC about your fundraising effort does not guarantee you a spot after you have acquired the required money. However, this will enable GYLC to know that you are interested and will help you once you have the money.

Posted by: Nagarjun | January 26, 2008

I created a GYLC forum.

Hi again! I did a look up on the internet and went through the GYLC Facebook group and realized that many people did not know what GYLC was. So, I created a forum where you can discuss everything about GYLC. Fire up a question about the program and get a response from the admin or other members of the forum.

If you previously attended GYLC, post messages related to your experience and also images and video. Click here to visit the forum and make sure you bookmark it so that you can access it easily.

Posted by: Nagarjun | January 25, 2008

Sponsor page is ready!

I have finished writing my official sponsor letter. The sponsor page on the menu bar above is ready. The page also contains a download link to the letter and a sample schedule along with some contact information if you wish to contact me.

Once someone has agreed to sponsor me, I will also place links to the sponsor’s website on this blog’s header as well as the blogroll that is viewable on the bar in the right. Please download the attachment in the sponsor page to contact me if you have any questions.

Thanks for all your support and hope this blog helps all future GYLC participants.

Posted by: Nagarjun | January 25, 2008

Beginning to Approach Sponsors

When I started out this blog, I mentioned that it would serve as a resource for all future GYLC participants and nominees to gain an insight into every step during the program. Now, I have started looking at all my sponsorship options.

It’s been about two days since I received the nomination letter from GYLC and I did some research on sponsorship. I also made use of the fundraising guide that was available on the GYLC website. The guide, although helpful was almost completely common sense. However, I did pick up some tips to start organizing my fundraising efforts and the fundraising request letter was especially helpful.

Looking at the success stories on the GYLC website also helped me pick up some essential tips on how I could go about the whole thing. Click here to read Brendan’s story. I felt this was the right time for me to begin looking at all the options I have.

I started out by discussing with my parents over lunch. My father thought it was a great idea. Soon, we made a short list of people and companies whom my father knew well and have the potential to sponsor. My father already made some calls and I look forward to meeting and talking to a few people in the days to come.

Check back in a few days to know the latest. I also suggest you to subscribe to this blog’s RSS feed so that you are updated as soon as I post a message!
Posted by: Nagarjun | January 24, 2008

GYLC Invitation Letters

I received two letters from GYLC inviting me and notifying me of my nomination for this year’s conference. The first letter was addressed to my parents. Take a look at the image below.

The second letter was addressed to me. The entire package contained more details about the program, registration and support material. Take a look at the two images below.

Posted by: Nagarjun | January 24, 2008

Who am I?

I am an 18 year old from Bangalore, India. Bangalore is located in the center of the Deccan Plateau in south India and is considered to be India’s Silicon Valley and is the hub for all IT related companies. I study IB at Indus International School and I am currently in the 12th grade. I studied at Vidyashilp Academy right from the 1st to the 10th grade and received my ICSE certificate there.

I am a great admirer of all things technology (especially Apple) and the internet. I am a web developer and entrepreneur. I own an IT solutions company based in California, USA. The company is called Silecon Inc. and is still in its seed stages. I registered the company in January 2006 while I was 16 years old. I come from a business oriented family and hence, I received a lot of support and encouragement from my family members to begin this venture. The company currently also sells web hosting.

I can also program Java and do some pretty decent Photoshop that I use to create all the graphic elements for my websites.

I plan on attending university in America next year to pursue my higher education in Computer Science. I also plan on studying MBA for my post graduation.

I learnt about the Global Young Leaders Conference during 11th grade, I was asked to participate. The concept of the entire program instantly caught my interest and I wanted to take part during the summer of 2007 as it would definitely help build leadership skills as I am still a budding entrepreneur. However, I was unable to do so due to several reasons. A few of my classmates attended that year’s session and loved it!

I thought I wouldn’t be able to attend the conference again. However, I received a letter from GYLC a few days ago stating that I was nominated to attend this year’s conference and I was thrilled that I had another chance. I look forward to taking part this summer.

This blog will serve as a medium to all future GYLC participants to know how my entire GYLC journey went about, right from applying and selections to the program itself. If I do manage to find the funds I require to participate this year (US$ 2,740), I will update this blog during the program daily with photos and video.

If you wish to sponsor me, please visit the sponsor page above to contact me. Thank you!
Posted by: Nagarjun | January 24, 2008


Hello and welcome to my blog. For those who don’t know, GYLC stands for ‘Global Young Leaders Conference’. It is a conference held every year in the United States of America and Europe.

“The Global Young Leaders Conference (GYLC) is a unique leadership development program that brings together outstanding young people from around the world to build critical leadership skills in a global context.

GYLC offers students the opportunity to learn from and exchange ideas with some of the world’s top business leaders, policy officials, lobbyists, journalists, diplomats and academics in the challenging and dynamic environments of Washington, D.C. and New York City or Vienna, Budapest and Prague. ” Click Here to read more or visit the ‘About GYLC’ section on the menu bar above.

I recently received an invite from GYLC stating that I was nominated to attend this year’s conference either in USA or Europe and represent my country. I created this blog to raise funds to attend this conference and also post all updates as they go on (hopefully, I can raise enough to attend this year’s conference at USA). I will post my entire application process and also post messages and pictures daily during the conference.


This blog will also serve as a resource for all future GYLC participants. Future GYLC participants can learn about my experience and all the events during the 13 day program to get an insight on what they will experience when they participate.

Thanks for visiting and please do contact me if you wish to sponsor me.
