Posted by: Nagarjun | January 25, 2008

Beginning to Approach Sponsors

When I started out this blog, I mentioned that it would serve as a resource for all future GYLC participants and nominees to gain an insight into every step during the program. Now, I have started looking at all my sponsorship options.

It’s been about two days since I received the nomination letter from GYLC and I did some research on sponsorship. I also made use of the fundraising guide that was available on the GYLC website. The guide, although helpful was almost completely common sense. However, I did pick up some tips to start organizing my fundraising efforts and the fundraising request letter was especially helpful.

Looking at the success stories on the GYLC website also helped me pick up some essential tips on how I could go about the whole thing. Click here to read Brendan’s story. I felt this was the right time for me to begin looking at all the options I have.

I started out by discussing with my parents over lunch. My father thought it was a great idea. Soon, we made a short list of people and companies whom my father knew well and have the potential to sponsor. My father already made some calls and I look forward to meeting and talking to a few people in the days to come.

Check back in a few days to know the latest. I also suggest you to subscribe to this blog’s RSS feed so that you are updated as soon as I post a message!

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